Theology Update for the Week of August 10

Dear friends in Christ

“The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s” will pick up Sunday, August 10 at 1:7, where we ask God how to find him and he says basically if you don’t know already, how can I help you? This Bible study is about how to read a book whose genre is allegory, and then about matters of sexual ethics that are used in that allegory. I expect it will run through the end of September, and you are welcome to drop in for any session that you can: Sundays at 10am on the 5th floor, and repeated Thursdays at 12:40pm on the 2nd floor.

The hour draweth near when the Dante Seminar will descend to the bottom of Hell. In just over a week, on Monday, August 18, I will lead a discussion of Inferno cantos 18-34. Anyone who reads the text is welcome to the conversation: in Andrew Hall from 6:15 to 7:45pm.

September classes: On Tuesday, September 16, a series of doctrinal Tuesdays will begin a study of Aquinas on faith. And on Wednesday, September 17, a series of ethical Wednesdays will begin a study of the recent document of the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue in the U.S. on ecclesiology and moral discernment. More details on these 6:30pm classes are on the website under “theology.”


The Anglican News Service has a number of articles that report on the horrific situation in Iraq. They provide concrete coverage from the perspective of Anglicans there. Here’s one and another.

May God grant our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ peace, courage, faithfulness.