Currently livestreaming: Choral Evensong

Heaven and earth meet and overlap at Saint Thomas Church in the same way they met in the Garden of Eden and in the Holy of Holies of the Temple; they meet in the same way they will meet in the New Jerusalem that is the dwelling place of God at the consummation of all things.

Every Monday through Saturday, there is at least one celebration of the Mass at Saint Thomas in the form of noontime Shrine Prayers and Holy Eucharist. These services are audio livestreamed and include the reading of prayers submitted either online or in the church. We invite you to send us a prayer request.

During the academic term we offer regular services of Choral Evensong, sung by our full Choir of Men and Boys, on Tuesdays through Thursdays at 5:30pm followed by a shortened mass at the High Altar. When we don’t have Choral Evensong on these weekdays we will often offer a said mass in the Chantry Chapel instead.

Because our schedule of worship is impacted by various considerations, including the liturgical calendar, federal holidays, choir school sessions, and special events, the schedule of worship services for any given week may vary from the list below. Therefore, please see the worship calendar for particular dates.

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