The Every Member Canvass is in its Second Week

The 2016 Every Member Canvass is in its second week. If you have pledged, thank you. If not, please join us in supporting Saint Thomas and its mission by giving back a percentage of what you have been given. A strong EMC is crucial to the financial well-being of the church and choir school. In 2015, we raised nearly $1.6 million. Our goal for the 2016 EMC is to increase the number of pledges and the total amount pledged by at least ten percent. Over the next several weeks, we will highlight some key parts of our budget and parish life to illustrate the importance of each and every pledge. Whether this is your first pledge or you are a longtime pledger, please give as generously as possible to move Saint Thomas closer to its goal.

Every Member Canvass Resources

Other Giving Resources