Theology Update for the Week of March 13

Dear friends in Christ,

Sunday, March 13, at 10 o’clock, the theology class on the collects of the Book of Common Prayer will look at some of the collects for the Sundays after Pentecost. I think of these collects as concentrated theological gems; it is rewarding to look at them closely. The class meets on the 5th floor.

Monday, March 14, at 12:40pm on the 2nd floor, I will repeat the Sunday class. The Monday class ends at 1:20.

Tuesday, March 15, the Rector’s Christian Doctrine Class will be “They recognized him in the Breaking of the Bread”: The Eucharist at the heart of our common life. Although designed especially for people who would like to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, the class is open to anyone interested in the topic of the day. It meets in Andrew Hall from 6:30 to 7:30pm.

On Friday at 12:45pm Father Spurlock will continue his Bible study on the 2nd floor of the parish house. The group is working through the Gospel according to Saint Luke.

The next Good Books & Good Talk seminar will discuss The Warden by Anthony Trollope. The Warden, the first of the Barchester Chronicles, is a short and deeply satisfying classic. If you’ve never read The Warden, here is a good opportunity to do so. If you have read it, here is an opportunity to read it again. Trollope rewards multiple readings. We’ll discuss the book, God willing, on Monday, April 4, at 6:15pm.

Wednesday, April 13, the Spring Theology Lecture will be given by Dr. Neil Arner of Notre Dame and, this term, the Center for Theological Inquiry in Princeton. His topic will be: Biological and Theological Explanations of Morality (or, if you will, theology and the facts of life!). Some people claim that morality is rooted in our biology (genetics, natural selection, etc.); some claim further that this claimed reality makes religious ethics unnecessary. Dr. Arner disagrees. The lecture will be at 6:30pm and is free and open to the public.

Father Austin