Walking in God's Love

Walking in God¹s Love is our opening theme this year, as we continue to get to know one another and learn more about the love of God, for each one of us.

This Sunday we all listened to the Gospel and Jesus¹ question: “Who do> YOU say I am?” We went on to reflect on our names for Jesus and how he has called us each by name. While the younger children continued to share what is unique and special about our own names: “What do they mean? Who chose them for us?” Our older children also explored some of Jesus names in our brand new Bibles, a lovely gift from Jean Savage at Saint Thomas Church bookstore.

After Mass it was good to gather once again in Central Park, for our Annual Family Picnic. It was a joyful occasion, an opportunity for the children to play together in the open space and a relaxing time for families to be together. We welcomed back our visitor from Australia, Fr. Ryan who cut the surprise cake. On such a hot sunny day, this cool summer treat was particularly welcome: Ice cream cake!