The Associate Rector's Message for the Week of November 3, 2019

Father Matthew Moretz (photo credit: Alan Barnett)

In August of 2018, our parish began work with Wellspring Consulting to develop a strategic plan for Saint Thomas Church. These plans include pursuing financial and organizational sustainability for the church and the choir school, fostering a community of belonging and trust, sustaining and expanding our liturgical, musical, and educational traditions, and making St. Thomas more visible to the city and to the world.

The parish is now in the process of detailing the plan.

A worship, fellowship, and formation task force has been charged with plans to increase our bonds of trust and belonging, and with the growth of the parish.

A finance and administration task force has been assigned the review of our parish budget. They are pursuing cost saving and other efficiencies. This group recommends the creation of a revenue committee to explore additional revenue sources for the parish.

An institutional advancement task force is reviewing staffing for possible reorganization.

A choir school task force has recently outlined a plan to strengthen the school’s educational programs, admissions, alumni relations, and fundraising.

We will continue to keep you updated on the work of these groups to help us continue on the path of growth, sustainability, excellence, and ever deeper connection to each other and to our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you would like to know more than this update could allow, please feel free to ask me about details. I am happy to discuss questions.

As our 2020 Annual Appeal continues, I remind you that your support is the essential foundation for the parish. Thank you for all those who have pledged this year. We encourage those who have not yet sent in their pledge to click the button below and make your gift today.

Grace and peace to you.

Father Matthew Moretz
Associate Rector