The Rector's Message for the Week of January 19, 2020

Rector Turner
The Reverend Canon Carl Turner

Dear Friends,

I have received some beautiful emails and comments about our Epiphany Processions last Sunday. The Epiphany season is when we explore the revelation of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. This coming Sunday, we will hear the call of the first disciples when two of John the Baptist’s disciples respond to the revelation of Jesus as the “Lamb of God” and they ask where he is staying. “Come and see,” says Jesus, and he invites them into a familial relationship with him. The next day, St. Andrew becomes the first missionary who finds his brother, Simon, and brings him to meet Jesus. Jesus gives him a new name: Peter, the rock.

There are many ideas about church growth and missionary activities. The simplest, however, is found in the response of Jesus to those first two disciples: “Come and see.”  When we invite our friends and family to come to Church, we invite them to come to meet Jesus. When we are baptized, we are given a new name; we take the name of Jesus and become Christians  The greatest missionary activity is the simplest: introducing people to Jesus through our own example.

I am delighted to tell you about Holy Week 2020. Please mark your calendars: Holy Week is April 5-12. Our sermons at the liturgies of Holy Week will be given by the Rev. Dr. Katherine Grieb, Meade Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Virginia Theological Seminary.  The Seven Last Words from the Cross on Good Friday will be given by our old friend, the Very Rev. Dr. Steven Peay, currently Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Milwaukee and Associate Dean of the Cathedral there, and formerly Dean-President of Nashotah House Theological Seminary, where he remains Research Professor of Homiletics. You can find their bios, below.

May this Epiphany Season bring us joy and peace.


your priest and pastor.