Dear Friends in Christ,
The liturgical and devotional lives of Anglicans have been greatly enriched by the contribution of poets. Some of this poetry can be thought of as “mystical,” in the sense of expressing a direct, personal encounter with the Divine, if not strictly orthodox.
This Sunday, July 26th, we will continue with the second of a four-part course on the poets of the English mystical tradition. The class will be taught via the Zoom videoconferencing platform by Fr. Mark Brown. Fr. Brown is an honorary assistant at our parish and an adjunct faculty member at General Theological Seminary.
The series will consider short poems of Thomas Traherne, D.H. Lawrence, Henry Vaughan, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, John Donne, George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and e.e. cummings.
You can sign up for this class online.
Please contact Father Cheng if you would like more information about the class.
Fr. Cheng
Theologian in Residence
Videos of Past Classes
July 12 (Raptures and Ecstasies: Thomas Traherne and D.H. Lawrence)
July 19 (Nocturnes: Henry Vaughan and Alfred, Lord Tennyson)