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Asian American Christianity: Proclaiming God's Deep Economy

[sdg-pt] post_id: 292619

Carrying the Cross by Ki-Chang Kim

April 9 at 4:00pm with Johnathan Tran, author

Does thinking about anti-AAPI hate get you down?

Dr. Jonathan Tran, Author

At EAST’s first in-person event in two years, Dr. Jonathan Tran will present Asian American Christianity as good news in the context of this racist backdrop. He will tell the story of an Asian American community attempting to live into God’s “deep economy.” While being honest about Asian American racism toward others, he offers a Christian account of solidarity and liberation for all oppressed communities. The talk will be followed by a time of reflection and conversation, and light hors d’oeuvres.

Jonathan Tran holds the George W. Baines Chair of Religion at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is the author of Asian American and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism (Oxford University Press, 2022) while attempts to rethink how we think about race and racism.

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