After a short hiatus (July 31 and August 7), our Adult Theology Classes will resume Sunday, August 14 at 10 a.m. with our guest lecturer, the Rev. Canon Robin Ward, Principal of St. Stephen’s House, Oxford. For three weeks he will be teaching a series entitled “Oxford Apostles – the story of the Catholic Revival in the Church of England and the Anglican Communion.” This series will feature the key figures of the Catholic Revival in Anglicanism from the 19th century – Newman, Pusey, Keble – and will explore how their teaching and example changed first the Church of England, and then the Anglican Communion, through ritualism, the revival of the religious life, and mission. You are welcome to join us in person on the Fifth Floor of the Parish House or on Zoom. Contact us to learn more and participate in this and future theology classes at Saint Thomas.
Theology Update for the Week of July 24th, 2022
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