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“I have called you friends”: Glimpses Into God’s Ways The Shulammite: God the Troubadour

[sdg-pt] post_id: 308901

Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 10:00 am
Parish House (5th Floor) and Zoom

This hybrid class, “The Shulammite: God the Troubadour”, is part of a course entitled “I have called you friends”: Glimpses Into God’s Ways and is taught by the Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia, Associate for Adult Formation. The Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia, Associate for Adult Education and Formation, leads these sessions. Contact Fr. Gioia to join us for these classes and to learn more about Theology at Saint Thomas.

In this series of exercises in Narrative Theology we will learn that the best way to know God is paying attention to his “ways”, that is to how he behaves with those whom he calls his friends.

God is invisible and mysterious and yet becomes an open book. Tales of encounter, dialogue, intrigue, conflict, and appeasement between God and his friends brim with glimpses into his personality, passion, charm, playfulness, and soft spots.

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