Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Movie Night Continues with A Ghost Story!

[sdg-pt] post_id: 311905

Friday evenings in Lent, join us for Lenten Movie Nights! Following a vegetarian meal (for those abstaining from meat on Fridays), we’ll engage with a curated series of films both classic and contemporary, exploring together the following questions: where do we find grace in these films? How does it work? In what ways do these films’ visions of God and of what it means to be human challenge, complicate, or clarify our own vision?

This movie group, led by Fr. Mark Schultz, meets on Friday evenings in Lent. The evening begins with a meal at 6pm followed by that week’s film at 6:30pm, with a discussion afterward.

Our third film, on March 10, is A Ghost Story (2017), directed by David Lowery. After a tragic car accident, the film follows a man as he rises up from a hospital autopsy table, still covered in the pristine white hospital sheet, to return to the only home he’s ever loved. A silent witness to change, joy, sorrow, devastation, wonder, the mans’ life, history, and hope are all returned to him in surprising and often heartbreaking ways. A critical darling on its release in 2017, A Ghost Story is a meditation on nostalgia, time, memory, witness, love, loss, and legacy: what do we leave behind? What echoes in and through us? And what do we need to finally be able to move forward? (Please note: A Ghost Story is MPAA rated R for “brief language and a disturbing image.”)

Plan to attend? RSVP here!


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