Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Joshilyn Hoisington, 2nd Verger, attends Vergers Guild Conference 2023

[sdg-pt] post_id: 325704

Last weekend I met with fellow vergers from all over the country at our annual Guild Conference at the Cathedral of St. Paul in San Diego. It is a diverse bunch of ministers, but many of them are volunteers at small parishes.

Because of the wide variety of job descriptions, parish sizes, and resources at our disposal, we all shared very different needs and challenges, but we all felt united in our duty to do the hard work behind the scenes that enables a church service to be focused solely on the Gospel. Please pray for all vergers and our unique ministry as we work and serve around the world.

Joshilyn Hoisington
2nd Verger, Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue

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