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Saint Thomas Choir School: A Beloved Community Part 2

by Mother Alison Turner, Associate for Children and Families and Choir School Chaplain

[sdg-pt] post_id: 359311

The Rev. Alison J. Turner, Associate for Children & Family Ministry and School Chaplain

As I shared in last week’s e-news, The Social Justice Classes at Saint Thomas Choir School have recently been focusing on creating and sustaining a Beloved Community, under the direction of Ms. Lissy Hodge. This week I will share a little about how this work is being complemented by our studies in Theology Class.

Last month, as part of our ongoing Bicentennial Project work on Saint Thomas Church Ms. Pamela Lewis and Fr. Ryan Bennett came to visit the Grade 8 and Grade 7 students. The Choristers shared with our guests the information that they had been researching around the various figures represented in our Reredos, and on the Façade of Fifth Avenue. Figures who had lived with a passion for the gospel and commitment to served their communities with a conviction for justice.

In the way past members of the parish have proposed names of figures to be represented in glass, wood and stone, each student was invited to advocate for a person they hoped to see included in our art work at a future date. This could be anyone world famous or locally known, and someone who has made a difference to humanity and in so doing has represented what it means to being part of a beloved community. Their choices included a range of figures from multiple ages and backgrounds including musicians, scientists and activists who served or continue to serve their communities, with a passion for humanity and for social justice.

Ms. Lewis writes, “I had a delightful time, and it was very special to sit in on the 7th and 8th graders’ presentations. They are poised, intelligent, and gracious to one another. I came away feeling hopeful for the future.”- Ms. Pamela Lewis: Long term parishioner, Head Lector, Tour Guide, and writer about The Beloved Community for Saint Thomas Church.

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