Would you like to become a Chantry Chapel acolyte?

The entrance to the Chantry Chapel from the narthex of Saint Thomas Church

As you may know, sixteen weekday services are held at Saint Thomas Church. Many of these services are held in the Chantry Chapel, particularly a shorter form of Morning Prayer followed by mass at 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, and Noon-time Masses, Monday through Saturday. On days when Choral Evensong is not held in the Nave, a short form of Evening Prayer followed by Mass is held in the Chantry Chapel. The Chantry Masses are conducted by a member of the clergy, assisted by an acolyte. Ideally, the acolyte conducts the Daily Office of Morning and Evening Prayer. We are interested in recruiting new acolytes for these important and intimate services.

No experience is necessary; you will receive training and sufficient time to feel confident taking the service. Please contact a member of the clergy or Tessa Dunning, Head Chantry Acolyte. You can email her via the vergers.