The 2017 Annual Appeal is in its seventh week

Our goal is to receive the majority of our pledges by Christ the King Sunday on November 20. People give for many different reasons and several of our pledgers have shared their thoughts with us this year. One webcast listener who is not a New Yorker or an Episcopalian said, “The question has certainly been posed elsewhere, but where would sacred music be in the United States had it not been for the work of Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue?”

Another pledger wrote this to the Rector, “Even as a lifelong Episcopalian: the ambiance of the sanctuary, the music, the message – the total presentation comes together unlike anything I have experienced. I realize that is the result of an incredibly dedicated and hard working group of people. I am ever so grateful. In your sermon two weeks ago, I was distressed to learn that we are so aggressively drawing from our endowment. I, along with others, must do more.”

If you would like to share your thoughts with us when you pledge, please do so. We would love to hear from you. You can pledge online or by using one of the pledge cards available in the 2017 Annual Appeal brochures. We think you will be glad you did. If you have any questions, please email Ann Hall Kaplan or call her at 212.757.7013, x414.

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