Aquinas on Angels

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

On Wednesdays, from January 9 through February 6, Fr Austin leads a reading group working through what Aquinas says about angels in the Summa Theologiae, starting with Part One, Question 50. 

No need for particular preparation; we’ll just work through Aquinas slowly and see how far we get. Even just a little Aquinas can be greatly illuminating.

This week: how angels are ‚Äúin‚Äù a place; how many angels can be in a place at once; and how angels get from one place to another. (Yes, the much-ballyhooed business of how many can dance on the edge of a pin will be answered!) Newcomers are welcome. If you want to skim the material in advance, or just print it out, you’ll find three documents here, here and here.

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