6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
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This class will meet on most Wednesdays through April, studying closely the central pages of Robert W. Jenson’s Systematic Theology, volume one. In these pages, Jenson develops a systematic account of the Trinity in modern terms. ————– This class is particularly for those who want to wrestle with high-octane, serious theology; it will provide a worthy alternative, in some respects, to Thomas Aquinas. ———————- For March 10 we will be concluding the key chapter, “Of One Being with the Father.” Newcomers will find that in a typical class session we work sentence-by-sentence through just 5 pages or so. Please note that the class will not meet on March 17.
0 ticket url rows
post_id: 76087
admin_tags: programmatically-updated, slug-updated, t4m-updated, uid-updated
===== get_event_personnel =====
Event Personnel for post_id: 76087
0 personnel row(s)
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Event Program Items for post_id: 76087
0 program_items/program_rows
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