Currently livestreaming: Festal Eucharist

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Fr Turner Takes His Place as XIII Rector

[sdg-pt] post_id: 138218

Fr Turner’s first Sunday as XIII Rector of Saint Thomas Church was September 14, 2014, the Feast of the Holy Cross. He preached at 9am, 11am and 4pm. He was Celebrant at the Solemn Eucharist at 11am and Officiant at Festal Evensong at 4pm. Our congregation greeted the Rector with a hearty welcome as we began a new era, re-commiting ourselves once more to our mission: to worship, love and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Anglican tradition and our unique choral heritage.

Webcasts available from Holy Cross Day

  • Listen to the webcast of the 11am Eucharist on demand
  • Listen to the webcast of the 4pm Evensong on demand

Transcripts and audio available for Fr Turner’s first two sermons at Saint Thomas Church

  • 11am Eucharist: Fr Turner reveals how Christ on the Cross changes our concept of glory.
  • 4pm Evensong: Fr Turner speaks on human frailty and the message of the Cross being one of new beginnings.

Click here to see a photo gallery from the 11am Solemn Eucharist on Holy Cross Day

Now that he has arrived Fr Turner will regularly celebrate the Eucharist and say the Daily Office in the Chantry Chapel and at the High Altar. The complete calendar for all worship services, both said and sung, through August 2015 is now available. Updates are made to each calendar page as details are finalized.

The Institution of the Reverend Canon Carl Francis Turner is on October 21, 2014 at 5:30pm. All are invited. Details of the service are forthcoming. The service will be webcast live and then available on-demand.

On this website, you can also:

  • Read about Carl Turner, his wife Alison, and the Call of the XIII Rector.
  • Listen to Weekly Messages from Fr Turner, which began in the first week of September.
  • Get Updated on the Rector’s Christian Doctrine Class, beginning in January of 2015
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