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Choir School Admissions

[sdg-pt] post_id: 313294

There are normally three steps in the admission process: School Visit, Application, and Overnight Audition.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual visits were substituted but, as of March 1, 2022, the school has returned to the Overnight Auditions for boys in grades two through five. 

Please contact the interim director of admission, Ruth Cobb, at [email protected], or via the direct line 646-569-6468, to discuss current procedures and receive application materials.

1. School Visit

School Visits provide time for a boy and his parents to tour the school and learn about the life of a  chorister. The prospective student will have a vocal evaluation with the director of music (or an associate), and then join his peers in their regular class schedule. Meanwhile, parents speak with members of the faculty who can describe this very unique approach to education and answer questions.

Families are encouraged to return home and talk about their visit. Likewise, faculty and staff consider whether the student is ready to apply, or in some instances, if further vocal preparation is recommended. The director of admissions will contact the family to inform them of the school’s decision and if appropriate, to invite the student to the next scheduled Overnight Audition.

Prior to the visit the family is requested to complete a Preliminary Information Form.

2. Application and Financial Aid

Application File
Prior to the Overnight Audition, the following items should be received by the Choir School:
1. The Preliminary Information Form should be on file.

2. The Application, completed by parents and sent by email or hard copy  to the director of admission.

3. Student Evaluation from the current classroom teacher. The form may be emailed
from the admission office or a hard copy delivered to the teacher. In the latter case, the
family should provide an envelope addressed to the Choir School so that it is sent directly
from the teacher.

4. Student Evaluation #2 from another teacher/leader who knows your son in an
instructional setting. The form is emailed or provided as a hard copy, as above.

5. School Records are requested by parents. In signing the form, parents give
permission to their son’s current school to release all records directly to the Choir School. A
complete file, including grade reports, comments, testing, and evaluations are to be
included. If your son has attended previous schools, the records should be in his file at the
current school, and included in the record sent to the Choir School.

3. Overnight Audition

Students arrive on Thursday afternoon and are immersed in the Choir School’s schedule through Saturday morning. During this time, they join rehearsals, participate in sports, sleep in the dormitories, attend classes with their peers, and take academic testing. On Saturday morning the visiting boys go to the choir rehearsal and then sing a final vocal audition for the director of music.  They may also play an instrumental selection if they are studying an instrument.

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