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Saint Thomas recognized by the Landmarks Conservancy

On Thursday evening May 11, Saint Thomas received a Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award for the completion of the restoration of its stained glass windows and the cleaning of its façade. In the words of Peg Breen , President of the New York Landmarks Conservancy, “These awards are the Oscars of the preservation world” and another honoree said “I’d rather receive a Lucy than an Oscar”. Accepting the award on behalf of Saint Thomas was Barbara Pettus who, in a brief speech , closed with the following:

“So many people helped make this possible. Julie Sloan oversaw the work done by twelve studios from California to New Mexico and from Virginia to Boston. Walter Melvin Architects advised us on major stone restoration work which was required once the windows were removed and on the best way to clean the stone traceries of all the windows and, later, on cleaning the façade. Eagle Scaffolding designed a cantilevered scaffolding system that made the project all but invisible to worshippers and visitors. And our general contractor, Westerman Construction, along with our Facilities Manager, Angel Estrada, coordinated schedules, budgets and vendors so that we finished the project on time, under budget and accident-free. Many thanks to all of you! “

Julie Sloan and Angel Estrada, pictured holding the award, attended the event as did representatives from many of the vendors listed above. It is a wonderful honor to have been recognized for a project that spanned ten years and which was made possible by generous contributors to our capital campaign as well as a sale of some of our air rights.

You can see photos of the event here.

Restoration Lecture

Below you can watch a slideshow presentation given by Julie Sloan on Febraury 26, 2017, on the restoration of the stained glass windows.