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Theology Update for the Week of June 9

[sdg-pt] post_id: 124889

Theology Class: “The Fifty Days”

For our Sunday 10am Theology Class on the Fifth Floor, we welcome guest teacher, Helen Goodkin, who will present a class entitled: The Fifty Days: What Happened After Easter.

In the original conclusion of Mark’s Gospel, the women found Jesus’ tomb empty on Sunday morning and they fled in terror “for they were afraid.” Fortunately, the other gospels don’t end in fear, but in hope. They tell the story of how Jesus continued to walk and talk and eat with his disciples. It is during this period that the apostles, who always seem clueless and inarticulate, and who were completely absent during Jesus’ final hours, finally begin to understand and truly believe Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and resurrection. We will explore this transformation which resulted in birth the church celebrated today on the Feast of Pentecost. Coffee and tea are provided.

Following a career in healthcare, Helen Goodkin received a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies cum laude from the General Theological Seminary. Her thesis on the healing stories in Luke was awarded the Sutton Prize for Best Thesis. She stayed at General for several years as Director of Lay Education. Today she leads the regular Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study at the House of the Redeemer, as well as regularly presenting adult education programs on the Bible to churches in New York and the metropolitan area.

Everyone is welcome to join us on the Fifth Floor of the Parish House for the class. Coffee and tea will be provided.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Happy (still) Easter,

Matthew Moretz+ Associate Rector

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