Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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The Annual Election for the Vestry of Saint Thomas Church

[sdg-pt] post_id: 142791


The election will be held on December 3, 2019. Members of the parish are encouraged to suggest candidates for consideration to any member of the Nominating Committee or complete a suggestion form available at the reception desk on or before Sunday, October 6. Candidates must be baptized, confirmed, and communicant members of Saint Thomas Church. In addition, they must attend services regularly, and be recorded contributors to the support of Saint Thomas Church and Choir School. This year there will be three vacancies on the Vestry: Stephen Gauster-Filek, Brett Moore and Gregory Zaffiro are eligible for re-election. The members of the Nominating Committee are: Kazie Harvey, Chairman; Jay Sterling; Edith Morrill; Timothy Higdon; Anne Kelly Treantafeles; and Kenneth Koen and Pamela Zonsius, alternates.

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