Currently livestreaming: Shrine Prayers (Intercessions) and Mass

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New from Nursery and Sunday School for the Week of October 6

[sdg-pt] post_id: 149603

Open House 2019

On the Feast of Michael and All Angels we honored volunteers in our parish community during the 11am Mass. Saint Thomas’ many volunteers include a number of our children, who assisted with great enthusiasm and energy, both with the set up of our Open House and during the Ministry Fair on Sunday.

Many parishioners enjoyed seeing our children share faith filled gifts (and popcorn), as well as being welcomed in our Fishers of Men and Light in our Darkness movie themed Nursery and Sunday School rooms. For some it was their first time to discover us.

Special thanks to all who contributed their time, talent and treasure to this special occasion!

Family Feast

Our FAMILY FEAST theme this month will be St. Francis, whose Feast day is October 4.
St. Francis is particularly remembered for his commitment to caring for God’s Creation, in which we too are called to share.

All children are welcome to bring a soft toy representing their favorite animal and/ or a picture of their favorite pet. On Sunday we will give thanks to God for all his creatures, great and small and we will welcome a surprise guest.

This coming Sunday, is also Dedication Sunday at Saint Thomas Church.


Following up from the Confirmation course FAITH CONFIRMED, a new MONTHLY group has emerged: FAITH ALIVE, with a commitment to fellowship, learning, worship and service.
If you are 11+ and were Confirmed in May or are about to be Confirmed next year, this group is for you.

Our next event is on October 20 @10am when we will continue to explore: “Behind the scenes-Preparing for Mass” at Saint Thomas Church.


We listened to God’s Word and discussed how Jesus calls us all by name to Follow him, as he did his very first disciples. The children continued to consider what it really means to follow Jesus today. and think about the everyday challenges we sometimes face in doing so.

We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday at our St. Francis Family Feast!

Faithfully yours,
Mother Alison Turner

Prepare for Mass at home together with these
1 Chronicles 29:6-19, Ephesians 2:19-22, John 2:13-22

Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, New York 212-757-7013

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