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Theology Update for the Week of March 27, 2022

Ki-Chang Kim (1914-2001)

Father Matthew Moretz (photo credit: Alan Barnett)

Dear Friends in Christ,

Join us this Sunday, March 27 at 10:00am when our Associate Priest for Pan-Asian Ministry, Mother Prisca Lee-Pae, will present the fourth of a series of classes in Lent entitled: ‘No Greater Love’: An exploration of Christian Art and the Passion. Over the course of this penitential season, the clergy of Saint Thomas Church will be sharing fine works of art that convey the rich meaning of the suffering love of Christ during His Passion. Mother Lee-Pae will be speaking about the work of modern ink painter Ki-chang Kim (1914-2001), also known as Unbo, from Seoul, Korea.

Mother Prisca Lee-Pae

These lectures will be available, ultimately, on-demand on our website. And when they are available, I will direct you to them here.

You are welcome to join us in person on the Fifth Floor of the Parish House or on Zoom. Contact us for login instructions.

Grace and peace to you,

Fr. Matthew Moretz+


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