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Theology Update for the Week of May 8, 2022

Father Matthew Moretz (photo credit: Alan Barnett)

Dear Friends in Christ,

This coming Sunday, May 8, our Theology Class series continues on the Gospel of Mark. The Rev’d Katherine Grieb, Ph.D. will be our teacher for this twelve week course on the earliest Christian Gospel. These classes will take place in person on the fifth floor of the Parish House, with an option to participate via Zoom.

The Rev’d Katherine Grieb, Ph.D.

Dr. Grieb tells us: “This gospel was written about the time of the Jewish War and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem about 70 AD. Mark’s Gospel is fast-paced and exciting. Look for shouting demons, angry religious authorities, a voice from heaven, and fearful disciples, as we journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Reading the story in the order it was written reveals a carefully structured and dramatic theological portrait of Jesus Christ. Understanding Mark’s Gospel helps us to understand all four canonical Gospels more clearly, since the others build on Mark’s work.”

“There is no assigned homework for this course, no final exam, and no expectation that you need to attend every class. We will read the Gospel in English: Greek words will be few and far between and explained. A course syllabus will be provided, showing the material to be covered each week. Bring your Bible and your questions and if you get a chance, read the entire Gospel before the class or sometime early in the twelve weeks to get an overview. All are welcome!”

Friday Bible Study

“Christ and Ekklesia: John’s Wondrous Vision of Light”

The Rev. Mark Schultz, Associate for Pastoral Care

On Friday, May 13 at 1pm on Zoom, Fr Schultz will begin a series of Friday Bible Study sessions that will serve as a deep dive into the Gospel of John. Part One of the Series will cover the Prologue to John (1:1-18) as well as what scholars have named The Book of Signs (1:19 through chapter 12) and will last through July. As we journey through the richness of John’s language and imagery, we’ll be considering together a few questions: For whom is the Fourth Gospel written? What is this Gospel’s project or mission? Who is Jesus in the Fourth Gospel? What is the Gospel’s vision of the Church? What are the Gospel’s recurring images and themes?

Contact Fr Schultz for the Zoom link, and bring your questions, your curiosity and yourself to the rich spiritual feast that is John’s wondrous vision of light!

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