Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Summertime at Saint Thomas

[sdg-pt] post_id: 138199

Like much of New York City, Saint Thomas slows down in the summer. But also like New York City, Saint Thomas is still very much alive, even in the dog days of August.

Throughout the summer, choral services continue every Sunday at 11am, sung by visiting choirs and also ocassional appearances by the Gentlemen of the Saint Thomas Choir. Please note that on Sunday, August 3, the 11am service is sung by the choristers in the Saint Thomas Girls’ Course alongside the Gents. The girls also sing two special Weekday Choral Evensongs on Tuesday, July 29 and Thursday, July 31. Both services begin at 5:30pm.

This way to the complete listing of summer choral services. >>

In addition to choral services, Saint Thomas offers daily said worship services in the Chantry Chapel, usually at 8am, 12:10pm and 5:30pm on Mondays through Fridays, at 12:10pm on Saturdays, and at 8am on Sundays. See the complete worship calendar.

As for other events, please be aware that Sunday School is on haitus for the summer, but Adult Education continues with theology classes on Sunday mornings at 10am, often repeated on Thursdays at 12:40pm. See the complete calendar of events.

Finally, our doors are open every day of the year, so even if there is no organized activity underway, you are always welcome to step inside, rest a bit, pray or meditate, and approach the altar of the Lord.

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