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Children and Families Update for the Week of July 10, 2022

The Rev. Alison Turner, Associate for Children and Familiy Ministries and Choir School Chaplain

Dear Friends,

 I hope that you had an enjoyable July 4. I was fortunate to see the City’s firework display from Brooklyn this year. It was magnificent!

It has been great to see some of you at the Summer Weekday Feast Days this year, each followed by a reception in the Narthex. Do join us for our next one, The Feast of Mary Magdalene, on July 22 at 5.30 pm.

I know that many of you are now away for the summer. Whether at home or away, may this summer season by joyful, refreshing and fun for you all. Please do stay in touch, especially if you have any celebrations to share, or prayer requests for friends or family.

Coffee Hour

Come along and join us on Sunday Mornings after the 9am Mass at Coffee Hour.  Please note that for the next few weeks Coffee Hour will be in Andrew Hall, while the Living Room is being decorated.

Summer Photo Competition

Whether at home or away this summer, please stay in touch and send your summer photos by September 1.

 Faithfully yours,

 Mother Turner.

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