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Theology Update for the Week of March 24

[sdg-pt] post_id: 139037

Sunday Theology Class. During the Sundays in Lent, we will explore the Holy Week services. On March 24 the class is titled, “Good Friday – The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion” and will be led by Father Turner. The class meets at 10 a.m. on the fifth floor of the parish house, and coffee and tea are provided. Next Sunday, Father Spencer will lead the session on the Easter Vigil.

Lenten Devotional Study. Please join us for a devotional study time with Father Moretz in the living room of the parish house on Mondays in Lent from 12:45 to 2 p.m. Our time together will be guided by the book “Lent, with Evelyn Underhill” (Church Publishing), a series of theological meditations based on Lenten themes. This book is now available for purchase in the Saint Thomas Bookstore and Gift Shop. You are encouraged to bring your own bag lunch.

The “Pilgrims’ Course” continues on Tuesday, March 26. This is a comprehensive introduction to the Christian faith as received and understood by the Episcopal Church. This session titled, “When things go wrong: Confession and healing” will meet from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. The evening will begin with a simple meal; contributions of $15 are appreciated to defer the costs. Please email Father Moretz to RSVP.

Join the Rev. Dr. Robert D. Flanagan, Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality at General Theological Seminary, for his class “Disrupting Times: When History Meets Mysticism.” Over the course of three sessions, we will learn about the similarities the fourteenth-century has to our time and engage with prominent mystical voices from the era, also known as “the Golden Age of Mysticism.” We will read about and discuss the seminal events of the time, and read and contemplate the pragmatic writings of several fourteenth-century mystics. The first class is Wednesday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. in Andrew Hall. To attend, all you need is a curious mind and a desire to deepen your knowledge of history and your understanding of mysticism.

Our Friday Lenten Bible Study continues this week. The series is titled, Transforming Repentance: Coming Home to God. It focuses on the gospel reading for the first five Sundays of Lent and includes a reflection, bible notes and some questions for discussion. Prepared by the Church of Ireland, the study will continue on Fridays throughout Lent, following the 12:10 p.m. Mass for a one-hour session on the second floor of the parish house. Please contact Fr. Bennett if you would like to receive a booklet.

For regular email updates on the life of the parish and notices from the Rector, contact Father Moretz or text STC5THAVE to 22828. For regular email updates on Adult Education, please text THEOLOGY to 22828.

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