Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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The 2017 Annual Appeal

[sdg-pt] post_id: 138609

Sunday, October 2, marks the start of the 2017 Annual Appeal, formerly known as the Every Member Canvass. We decided to change the name to Annual Appeal to reflect clearly the purpose and inclusivity of this campaign which raises necessary unrestricted funds for the operating budgets of the church and the Choir School.

This is a good time to reflect upon what Saint Thomas means to you. Your pledge today will provide important support for our mission here in New York City and the world. The 2016 campaign raised over $1,625,000, breaking all previous records. Please help us make this appeal the most successful ever by pledging now. You can pledge online at or use a pledge card located in the 2017 Annual Appeal Brochures that are in the pews, the narthex and at the reception desk. Please join us in Andrew Hall after the 11 a.m. service for a coffee hour marking the start of the 2017 Annual Appeal.

Other Giving Resouces on this Website

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