Heresies & How to Avoid Them

Sunday, November 6, 2011
All Saints’ Sunday
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Fr Austin discusses the book edited by Ben Quash and Michael Ward, with an eye toward why it matters what Christians believe.

There are a number of classic mistakes in understanding Christian faith (for instance, that Jesus is not really equal to God, or that Jesus has a human body but not a human mind). These are interesting not because Christianity wants to ‚Äúroot out‚Äù heretics (in fact, most heresies were initially held by people who were just trying to figure out the implications of Jesus’ birth, teaching, death, and resurrection). Rather, they are interesting in that they help us see why it matters what we believe.

This Sunday’s heresy is Eutychianism (try using that word at dinner sometime; ‚ÄúDear, have you ever considered Eutychianism?‚Äù)‚Äîwhich holds, roughly, that the human and divine natures in Jesus mix together to form a hybrid of sorts. Find out how this idea arose, and why it falls short of full Christian teaching.

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