Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Quiet Courage

[sdg-pt] post_id: 133493
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Second Sunday In Lent

The Second Sunday In Lent

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from thy ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of thy Word, Jesus Christ thy Son; who with thee and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker

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This Sunday morning Bible study series will lead us through Lent with a focus on the Old Testament stories featured in each Sunday’s lectionary lesson. Examining stories of Abraham, the founder of Israel’s faith; Moses, the leader of his people; David, the great king of Israel; and Ezekiel, the prophet in Exile, will deepen our understanding of these chosen leaders and the faith they carry.  Close attention to the Hebrew text, combined with exegetical and theological discussion, will reveal their quiet courage that accompanies us on the journey to Christ’s crucifixion.

Julie Faith Parker

The Rev. Dr. Julie Faith Parker is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church. She was awarded the Ph.D. with distinction in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible from Yale University. She also holds degrees from Hamilton College (B.A.), Union Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Yale Divinity School (S.T.M.). An ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, she worked as a congregational pastor then as the Protestant Chaplain at Hofstra University, prior to doctoral studies. Dr. Parker has authored or edited seven books and many articles. She has taught at multiple institutions including Yale Divinity School, Colby College, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Fordham University, and New York Theological Seminary, teaching students incarcerated in Sing Sing.

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