Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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The Pilgrims' Course 2020 (held via the Zoom videoconferencing platform)

[sdg-pt] post_id: 216115
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Óscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador

Óscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador

Almighty God, you called your servant Óscar Romero to be a voice for the voiceless poor, and to give his life as a seed of freedom and a sign of hope: Grant that we, inspired by his sacrifice and the example of the martyrs of El Salvador, may without fear or favor witness to your Word who abides, your Word who is Life, even Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be praise and glory now and for ever. Amen.

6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

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A systematic treatment of the essentials of the Christian faith, as received through the Catholic heritage of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.

Please note that, due to the response to COVID-19, that all future classes are being held via the ZOOM platform and details are sent to all registered members of the class.

Newcomers to Saint Thomas Church and those not yet members of the church are invited to our “Pilgrims’ Course,” which is a comprehensive introduction to the Christian faith, as received and understood by the Episcopal Church. The course will be taught by the Rector, Father Carl Turner, and the Theologian in Residence, Father Patrick Cheng.

Please email Father Cheng if you would like to attend the class.

Remaining Sessions

The welcome reception will be postponed to a later date.

Course Reading List

The following is a reading list for the Pilgrims’ Course 2020.  Although none of these books is required, participants may find these books to be helpful resources about the topics covered in the course.

The Episcopal Church

    • Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis, Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, rev. ed. (Church Publishing, 2017).
    • Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe, Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices (Forward Movement, 2018).
    • Ian S. Markham and C.K. Robertson, Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers: Exploring Christian Faith (Morehouse Publishing, 2014).
    • Christopher L. Webber, Finding Home: Stories of Roman Catholics Entering the Episcopal Church (iUniverse, 2011).
    • Christopher L. Webber, Welcome to the Episcopal Church: An Introduction to Its History, Faith, and Worship (Church Publishing, 2017).
    • The Episcopal Handbook, rev. ed. (Morehouse Publishing, 2015).

Prayer and Spirituality

    • Vicki K. Black, Welcome to Anglican Spiritual Traditions (Morehouse Publishing, 2010).
    • Robert Durback, ed., Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouwen Reader (Image Books, 1997).
    • Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, special anniversary ed. (HarperOne, 2018).
    • Margaret Guenther, The Practice of Prayer (Cowley Publications, 1998).
    • Derek Olsen, Inwardly Digest: The Prayer Book as Guide to a Spiritual Life (Forward Movement, 2016).
    • The Way of Love: Pray (Church Publishing, 2018).


    • John-Francis Friendship, The Mystery of Faith: Exploring Christian Belief (Canterbury Press, 2019).
    • Robert W. Jenson, A Theology in Outline: Can These Bones Live? (Oxford University Press, 2016).
    • Michael Lloyd, Café Theology: Exploring Love, the Universe, and Everything, 3rd ed. (St. Paul’s Theological Centre Books, 2012).
    • Alister E. McGrath, Theology: The Basics, 4th ed. (Wiley Blackwell, 2018).
    • Arthur Michael Ramsey, Introducing the Christian Faith, rev. ed. (SCM Press, 1970).
    • Rowan Williams, Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer (Eerdmans, 2014).
    • Rowan Williams, Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life (Eerdmans, 2016).
    • Rowan Williams, Being Human: Bodies, Minds, Persons (Eerdmans, 2018).

Some of these books are available for purchase at the parish bookstore.  Please email Father Cheng if you have any questions about this reading list.

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