We apologize that we could not offer a livestream of today's noontime service. A recording of the service has been posted to this pageRead More...

Baptism & Confirmation


If you (or your child) are ready for baptism, we encourage you to fill out our online baptism form. What’s more, we encourage you to come and worship with us regularly both before and after you are baptized, so that you may grow and learn and prosper in the faith.

At Saint Thomas we baptize children and adults. All baptized Christians are invited to participate in Holy Communion, which is celebrated every single day of the year in our Parish.


As the Book of Common Prayer describes, at Confirmation individuals “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.”

At Saint Thomas, a bishop visits every May for Confirmation. In the months leading up to Confirmation, the Rector offers his Pilgrim’s Course for adults who intend to be, or are considering being, confirmed.

The most significant step you can take on the road to Christianity is to be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In fact, by virtue of baptism, you are a Christian. Every other moment of your Christian life is a matter of living up to the grace received by our Lord at the moment of baptism.

When young children are baptized, they cannot make such a mature commitment. Instead, they rest on the intentions and promises of their parents and Godparents. So it is hoped that as these children are brought up in the faith, they will make their own commitment to Christ when they grow old enough. As for those who are baptized as adults, they are confirmed whenever they feel ready after further instruction in the faith.