Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Organ Recitals

[sdg-pt] post_id: 204597

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Organ Recital: Clara Gerdes
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370406

5:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4 p.m. service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Frédéric Blanc: Cochereau and the French Masters
[sdg-pt] post_id: 363282

3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Saint Thomas Church

Organist Frédéric Blanc features music of the French masters from Vierne to Cochereau in the season opening concert.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Patronal Feast Day
Today marks the end of our Bicentennial celebrations. Learn more about this past year of special services and events.
Piano and Clarinet Recital: Jeremy Filsell and Balint Karosi
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370411

5:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4 p.m. service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost
Organ Recital: George Inscoe
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370415

5:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4 p.m. service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Piano Recital: Liana Paniyeva
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370417

5:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4 p.m. service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Clement of Rome
Bruckner and Beyond: Austrian Organ Masterpieces
[sdg-pt] post_id: 363327
speaker icon emds-cat
3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Saint Thomas Church

Austrian organist Lukas Hasler marks the bicentenary of Anton Bruckner’s birth with a recital featuring master works of some of Austria’s greatest composers.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Second Sunday Of Advent

The Second Sunday Of Advent

Merciful God, who sent thy messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the HolySpirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Organ Recital: Maks Adach
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370424

5:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4 p.m. service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

[caption id="attachment_308237" align="alignnone" width="1500"] The Nativity depicted in the South Stall Woodwork of Saint Thomas Church[/caption] Eternal God, who made this most holy night to shine with the brightness of thy one true light: bring us, who have known the revelation of that light on earth, to see the radiance of thy heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Christmas Music for Organ
[sdg-pt] post_id: 351915
speaker icon emds-cat
10:00 PM, Saint Thomas Church

This prelude to Midnight Mass will be video livestreamed.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Confession of Saint Peter

The Confession of Saint Peter

Almighty Father, who didst inspired Simon Peter, first among the apostles, to confess Jesus as Messiah and Son of the living God: Keep thy Church steadfast upon the rock of this faith, so that in unity and peace we may proclaim the one truth and follow the one Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Kimberly Marshall: Cycles Through Time
[sdg-pt] post_id: 363416

3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Saint Thomas Church

Kimberly Marshall leads the Grand Organ Series in 2025 with a program of works spanning the centuries.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Franz Liszt: The Greater Organ and Piano Works
[sdg-pt] post_id: 363417

3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m., Saint Thomas Church

Saint Thomas Church Organist and Director of Music Jeremy Filsell brings the 2024-2025 Grand Organ Series to a close with a concert of works by Franz Liszt for both piano and organ.

Sunday, April 20, 2025

The Sunday Of The Resurrection: Easter Day

The Sunday Of The Resurrection: Easter Day

Almighty God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by thy life-giving Spirit; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

An Eastertide Prelude to Choral Evensong
[sdg-pt] post_id: 369474
speaker icon emds-cat
2:15 PM, Saint Thomas Church

The Sunday Recital Series is free and open to the public. Usually starting at approximately 5:15 p.m., it follows the 4pm service on most Sundays during the academic term.

Wednesday, December 24, 2025

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

[caption id="attachment_308237" align="alignnone" width="1500"] The Nativity depicted in the South Stall Woodwork of Saint Thomas Church[/caption] Eternal God, who made this most holy night to shine with the brightness of thy one true light: bring us, who have known the revelation of that light on earth, to see the radiance of thy heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Christmas Music
[sdg-pt] post_id: 370208
speaker icon emds-cat
10:00 PM, Saint Thomas Church

This prelude to Midnight Mass will be video livestreamed.

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