Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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30s-40s Dinner & Discussion

[sdg-pt] post_id: 79443
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Almighty God, you called Cuthbert from following the flock to be a shepherd of your people: Mercifully grant that, as he sought in dangerous and remote places those who had erred and strayed from your ways, so we may seek the indifferent and the lost, and lead them back to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

7:15 p.m.-9:15 p.m.
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Approximately once a month (except during the summer), the 30s-40s Fellowship gathers for dinner followed by a discussion on a chosen topic. This is an excellent way for newcomers to meet parishioners. This is not a singles group (some of those who attend the group are in relationships; some are raising children), but rather a gathering of adults who want to grow in Christian friendship as they go through changes and clarifying experiences that often come as one enters the middle years of life.

Each month, the discussion is led by a different person. In March we will have a discussion led by Lorinda Lee on the wisdom tradition in Christianity, a way of deepening our relationship with God.

Because we neither want to over-spend nor under-prepare, we ask that you RSVP at least five days in advance. And because we are entirely a self-sustaining group (we receive no church subsidy whatsoever), the cost of each dinner is $25 per person.The entire amount collected is used to pay the cost of the food, drinks and labor for that night’s gathering.

We hope you can join us!

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